Friday, April 12, 2013

Concentration Written Commentary

The main idea to my concentration series is the teenage perspective on life through photo stories. A photo story is a group of images ranging from one to five photos. My connection with this series is I am a teenager in high school. I have a different perspective on life then adults do. Some principles of design that I used in this series were close up, rule of thirds, portrait and landscape. I picked this topic because I wanted to have others see life from a teenager’s perspective.

            In the beginning of my images I was trying to use value and contrast, but I decided that I work better with color. An image I took was of a teenager holding her forecasting sheet, in black and white it was very grainy and didn’t look well with the photo story I was going to do. For a single shot story, I used photo shop to merge an image of a girl taking a picture with a landscape of trees, it showed how the teen was growing up and looking forward to her career as a photographer. I used photo shop to make the colors stand out more than they already did.  I used levels in photo shop to make the blacks in the pregnant image to make the image seem as a horrible situation. I used multiple warm colors and cold colors for some of the stories. I used cold colors for the moving photo story to make it seem sad about moving away. I used artificial lights for some of the single photo stories to make the mood a somber feel in the image. My final closing images reached my goals in the end. The stories were what I wanted to viewers to see. I started off with portraits of people and in the end I ended up making photo stories of the teenage perspective on life. I used leading lines to pull the attention from the foreground to where a girl was in the back of a bathroom alone. 

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