Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Finishing up Final Images

In this photo story I had to edit the left bottom image because it was to dark in the final.

Friday, April 12, 2013

Concentration Written Commentary

The main idea to my concentration series is the teenage perspective on life through photo stories. A photo story is a group of images ranging from one to five photos. My connection with this series is I am a teenager in high school. I have a different perspective on life then adults do. Some principles of design that I used in this series were close up, rule of thirds, portrait and landscape. I picked this topic because I wanted to have others see life from a teenager’s perspective.

            In the beginning of my images I was trying to use value and contrast, but I decided that I work better with color. An image I took was of a teenager holding her forecasting sheet, in black and white it was very grainy and didn’t look well with the photo story I was going to do. For a single shot story, I used photo shop to merge an image of a girl taking a picture with a landscape of trees, it showed how the teen was growing up and looking forward to her career as a photographer. I used photo shop to make the colors stand out more than they already did.  I used levels in photo shop to make the blacks in the pregnant image to make the image seem as a horrible situation. I used multiple warm colors and cold colors for some of the stories. I used cold colors for the moving photo story to make it seem sad about moving away. I used artificial lights for some of the single photo stories to make the mood a somber feel in the image. My final closing images reached my goals in the end. The stories were what I wanted to viewers to see. I started off with portraits of people and in the end I ended up making photo stories of the teenage perspective on life. I used leading lines to pull the attention from the foreground to where a girl was in the back of a bathroom alone. 

Final Images










Thursday, April 4, 2013

Week 6

This diptic is showing the process of moving out of the parents house. It can be hard for a teenager to move out on their own and begin to discover how to live without someone elses help.
These two images are photos that I was trying to make it seem like the model in the image was getting ready to move.

The diptic above is showing how much the teenager has changed. From 2001 to 2013. The hand is showing how it changed to how it is now. The hand print is like it made its own mark in the year of 2001 and now in 2013 it is the present, that is why the hand is there.

The hand and the clay hand-print are both images that I was trying to make seem like time has passed and there was a difference, and or rather a change in time.

This triptic is a photostory on soccer. Most teenage boys may play a sport to get a scholarship for college.

These images are photos that I have taken as possible outcomes to go into the final photo story. The last image in these three is portraying how the sport can be tough and dirty by the dirt on the shoe.
In this diptic, the two images are portraying how a female teenager may be selfconcious, and wants to be accepted by others. The make up image shows how much make up the model will be willing to put on to feel better about herself. The model in the image to the right, shows the teenager putting make up on with the brush.
These two images are some pictures I took to go with the diptic of make up photostory.
This photostory is portraying how a teenager has a lot of responsibility if she or he has siblings. In this story the teenage girl is getting her sibling ready for school. Not only does she have to get herself ready but him as well, in some cases, this is a big responsibility for the teen. It becomes a bigger responsibility if she has multiple siblings.
This group of images are photos that were all images that I took to have a variety to put into the story. The last two images are images of the younger sibling going to school.
The photostory above is showing how female teenagers can get bullied for being pregnant. Many teenagers have made mistakes and ended up pregnant, and almost all of them have been made fun of by others. It can be rough being made of, and it can be rough going thorugh high school while pregnant.
The two images here are some pictures I took for the pregnant story. They were indoor, in a portrait shot.
This photostory is portraying how a student can get a job and work. The student in this story works at a library and has many duties to do. Teens are looking for jobs to have money for their lives after high school.
These pictures are images I have taken inside a library. The all show things that the librarian has to do to make sure the library is working well.
This is a photostory on forecasting at highschool. Students are forecasting to get into different classes, that will hopefully help them later in life.